2024 Summer Camps for Teens – FLORENCE


Welcome to the New York Film Academy’s camps in Florence, Italy. We are looking forward to a beautiful summer of filmmaking and acting for film.

NYFA Florence is within easy access of some of the most beautiful sights in Florence. We feel it’s the perfect place to learn the art and craft of filmmaking.

Please be sure to fill out the necessary forms online before the start of your camp!

We look forward to seeing you in Florence!


Diana Santi
Director, NYFA Florence



Through its educational programs, the New York Film Academy (“NYFA”) propagates visual literacy and visual storytelling through hands-on intensive learning. It seeks to make visual storytelling education accessible to the most diverse, international, and broadest possible spectrum of campers, and to hone the skills of future professionals so that they may one day serve the visual storytelling arts as industry leaders.


NYFA Teen Programs are based on the philosophy of “learn by doing.” Every curriculum stems from that belief. NYFA believes that the most effective way for our campers to master their chosen craft is to immediately start creating their own work in a hands-on intensive working environment.


Leadership – To be a successful artist in these collaborative fields, leadership qualities are important. Through the work and development of the projects that campers make or perform in, they can enhance their ability to engage others to work together and create impactful art.

Creativity – We encourage campers to think outside the box. The challenges inherent in these crafts force campers to develop creative solutions to achieve desired results.

Collaboration – Quality leadership and collaboration go hand in hand. To achieve educational and creative goals, campers must work together and often depend on their classmates’ assistance to execute their projects. Collaboration fosters the ability to conduct oneself with professionalism and respect to others and their creativity.

Discipline – The discipline required to create quality work is extraordinary. A camper will need to practice the art of discipline, and try their hand at a craft that requires full dedication to succeed.

Expression and Individuality – Through visual and performing arts, our campers have an extraordinary opportunity to express their point of view and discuss their thoughts, ideas and concerns. We encourage campers to use their own experiences to inform their work, which often results in truthful and moving storytelling.


NYFA’s faculty members are active performing and visual arts professionals. They all have a passion for the arts including storytelling and teaching and are consistently given the highest praise from our campers.


The Director of Teen Programs supervises all Teen Program staff, which includes counselors, instructors and technical assistants. Questions regarding Camper Services should be directed to the Director of Teen Programs.


All NYFA camps have open enrollment, though NYFA prerequisites may apply. No previous experience is required. The application for the camps may be filled out online. A deposit ($500) is required to secure the camper’s spot in the program of their choice. Once the application and the deposit have been made, the camper will receive an online packet containing forms that must be filled out by the camper and their parents/ guardians. Such forms include housing request, airport pick up and drop off, medical conditions or allergies, etc.

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

New York Film Academy is excited to return to campus this summer for our Teen Summer Camps. At this time, however, COVID-19 is still a risk, and special precautions remain necessary to keep our campers, faculty and staff healthy and safe. Should circumstances concerning the spread of COVID-19 change, NYFA may update or change its safety protocols, and any such changes will be communicated to campers and their guardians. All campers will be required to adhere to all safety protocols implemented by NYFA. Currently, all NYFA attendees are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated and boosted.

It also must be understood, regardless of the safety precautions that NYFA takes to protect our community, NYFA cannot guarantee the elimination of all risk or the spread of infection. Additionally, as per NYFA’s published Florence Covid Safety Plan, should a significant spread of infection be detected, as determined by our Covid Team administrators. According to predetermined metrics, NYFA may transition from in-person to online instruction.

Online Forms

Parents will need to fill out all forms ONLINE. To do so, refer to the email you received with your personalized link and ID number. Click the link in the email, enter the ID# also provided in the email, and follow the steps to fill out all online forms.

Be sure to fill these out as soon as possible! If you have any questions, contact us at (212) 674-4300 or email: [email protected]

Before You Arrive


Filmmaking students should prepare by writing any story ideas, character notes, or other thoughts to bring with them to camp. These ideas will inevitably develop once the program begins, but it will be a great help to have some concepts prior to starting the program. Remember to think visually!

Filmmaking students should begin thinking of music they might want to use and bring music files with them to the workshop.

While there is no required reading, we have found the following books to be excellent resources: “Film Directing: Shot by Shot” by Stephen Katz, “The Art of Dramatic Writing” by Lajos Egri, “The Filmmakers Handbook” by Edward Pincus and Steven Asher, “Making Movies” by Sidney Lumet and for screenwriting, Lew Hunter’s “Screenwriting 434.”

Acting for Film

Acting for Film students can prepare by watching their favorite actors and noticing what it is about them that makes them good. Take note of specific scenes and performances that move you. Read a variety of plays and film scripts, and if there is a particular one you’d like to perform, bring it with you. Your instructors may be able to integrate it into your class.

For books on acting and technique, check out: “Respect for Acting” or “A Challenge for the Actor” both by Uta Hagen, “On Acting” by Sanford Meisner or “A Dream of Passion” by Lee Strasberg.

*Please note: Students may incur additional expenses on their own productions. These vary depending on the scale of the projects and potential cost of props and costumes.


The New York Film Academy provides transportation from Amerigo Vespucci Airport to the Hotel Liana for students staying in our housing.

Please submit the Arrival & Departure form online as soon as possible with the indicated travel information if you would like to take advantage of this service. We will be able to pick up students from the airport that arrive in Florence between 9:00AM and 3:00PM.

It is very important that you arrive and depart on the listed start date and end date for your camp. We are unable to accommodate transportation or housing on alternate dates.


Sunday, June 23 – Saturday July 13
Sunday July 14 – Saturday August 3


Sunday, June 23 – Saturday, June 29
Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20
Sunday, July 28 – Saturday, August 3

If you choose to make your own way to the Hotel Liana, please read the following travel information:


Located four kilometers from the center of Florence, Amerigo Vespucci Airport is small and efficient.


The local buses and tramways run to and from the airport. The service starts at 5am and ends at 12:30am The frequency of the trips are different depending on days and times. There are boards with timetables indicating frequencies and time slots. You can buy tickets from the bar at the airport before you get on or on board.

It takes about 20 minutes to reach the bus station located in front of the central railway station (S.M. Novella).


Some students may wish to take a taxi directly from the airport to their residence. Only take official taxis. The price from the airport to the registration office is approximately 25 euros. They will charge an additional fee for the luggage.

There is also an extra charge on Sundays and holidays. Most drivers are honest, but check that the meter is switched on and showing the minimum fare before you begin your journey.

Residential campers are never allowed to use public transportation when not directly supervised by a NYFA staff member. These include: trains, buses, trams, taxis, bicycles, Segways & electric scooters.

Traveler’s Details

All students visiting Italy from any other country must have a full, current passport. Vaccination certificates are not necessary.

The U.S. government has prepared a detailed information sheet for students studying abroad.

Visit studentsabroad.state.gov for tips on preparation, safety, and more.

Students from other countries should check their own government websites for information.

Registration & Orientation

Registration for all students will take place on the first day (Sunday) of your camp between 3 – 5 pm at Hotel Liana. During registration, we will welcome you, give you program information, and important contact numbers, etc.

Orientation for all programs will take place right after Registration, at 5:00 PM and will last for one hour.

Directly after Orientation, NYFA will be hosting an authentic Italian dinner for all students close to the hotel.

The Hotel Address:
Hotel Liana
Via V.Alfieri, 18, 50100 Florence
Phone Number: +39 055 245 303

Monday morning, we will walk together from the hotel to school. Directly after the school check-in, you will begin your first class.

For those students who will not be staying in the hotel, you should plan to make your own arrangements to get to the school by 9:15 am, Monday morning.

The School Address:
Via Torta 9
50122 Florence, Italy

The school is in the center of Florence, walking distance to Piazza Santa Croce, home to the Basilica of Santa Croce.

Living in Florence


Please be sure to fill out the housing request form online even if you do not need housing!

You will have the opportunity to make a specific roommate request in the forms. Room assignments may not be changed.

Payment for housing should be made directly to the New York Film Academy. Housing is not guaranteed until we confirm availability and the receipt of housing payment.

The New York Film Academy has arranged for attractive and elegant housing for our teen students at Hotel Liana. You can view additional hotel details online: hotelliana.it

All rooms will be double occupancy with two beds. All teen student housing is supervised by our resident staff.

For the safety of our students, we highly discourage family members or students who are participating in the program from booking independently with Hotel Villa Liana. Students who do not request housing through the New York Film Academy will be considered commuting students and will not be supervised.


Housing prices offered through the New York Film Academy include a continental breakfast. Lunch and dinner are not included.

1-Week (with one roommate): $1,100.00
3-Week (with one roommate): $3,100.00

In addition to the housing fee, there is a room and key deposit of $250 that is required. Housing fee is non-refundable.



Teen students in all New York Film Academy summer programs are closely monitored. Counselors reside in the same hotel as the students and are always reachable.

A note to parents regarding lunch and dinner supervision:
Since the program’s inception 20 years ago, we have allowed students to patronize local eateries. Our staff is well-versed in the supervision of teens.

Students with cell phones are asked to have their phones charged and on at all times.

For all students booking their housing through NYFA, group dinners and extracurricular activities will be planned on a daily basis. Such activities are mandatory and also open to any students commuting from home (at additional costs). Should a student wish to waive any given activity or dinner plan, a written authorization from a parent or a legal guardian will be needed one day in advance, specifying the exact times for check-out/ into the hotel. Occasionally, counselors may allow the group to spend a short period of time without direct supervision yet always in groups of at least three students (“buddy system”). Under no circumstances will one or two students be able to spend any time alone in the city with no supervision or written authorization from a parent. As credit cards are not always accepted in Italy, we recommend bringing enough cash with you.

If there are any questions regarding supervision, please feel free to contact us.


Florence is one of the most exciting and vibrant cities in the world. All of our past workshops have gone smoothly with no safety problems whatsoever.

At all times students should exercise the same caution appropriate to any new environment: do not walk around alone, do not openly wear expensive jewelry, do not display cash in public, and beware of pickpockets.

If you feel insecure about any location or situation, trust your instincts. Ask our staff if you are unsure of the safety of any area. Always use the official taxis, with the license number clearly displayed. When you call for a taxi, make sure you are given the code name of the driver, for example, “Napoli 37.”


If you bring computers, appliances or electronics, you will need adapters for the European type outlet. Make sure your computer or appliance can be used with the 220 volt European wall current, otherwise it may be damaged.

The weather in the summer is usually warm and humid. Students should bring walking shoes, rain gear, sunglasses, and sunscreen.


Meals (other than breakfast) are not included with the price and will be the responsibility of the student. Within walking distance of the hotel, you can find a large supermarket, a pharmacy, several ATM machines, several Cafes where you can have breakfast or lunch for between three and eight euros.

There are also several “gelatierias” where you can sample fine Italian ice cream. Excellent and affordable produce markets abound in Florence, so you can buy food and keep some in your room. The streets of Florence are dotted with restaurants and cafes, so everyone can find something to their taste.

Dining is an art in Tuscany. To students with gourmet tastes, we say “buon appetito.”


No two people have the same financial needs. Costs vary greatly depending on what kind and how much food you eat, how many films and concerts you attend, and how much you like to shop.

Students are required to have cash ready to pay for lunches and dinners in Florence every day, as the use of multiple credit cards is not accepted by local restaurants. In addition, we warmly encourage everyone to travel with a prepaid credit card to be easily and quickly “refilled” from a distance as needed. Please note that under no circumstances will NYFA administration and staff be able to receive or advance money on behalf of the students during the camps.


The current exchange rate as of this writing is 1 EUR = 1.13 USD. Students who have personal bank accounts at home will find ATMs plentiful and will receive a good exchange rate.

Credit cards are also a good option for purchases and cash advances through one of many Visa or American Express cash machines or offices. If you will be using credit or debit cards, call your bank(s) and inform them of the dates you will be in Europe; otherwise, when foreign transactions appear, they may think your card has been stolen and temporarily lock usage on it.


Florence is a pedestrian city and most travel is done by foot to enjoy the sights and culture. Be sure to pack comfortable walking shoes!

Residential campers are never allowed to use public transportation when not directly supervised by a NYFA staff member. These include: trains, buses, trams, taxis, bicycles, Segways & electric scooters.


Each camp counselor will have an international cell phone at all times, so that families may always call to get in touch. We will provide the phone numbers at registration.

If you will be bringing a cell phone, we recommend contacting your service provider regarding your coverage. Our staff will be available to help students obtain a SIM card, if needed.


Students will be immersed in the Italian community and culture, providing the opportunity to explore and perhaps develop an understanding of the language.

All of our programs are taught in English, but we recommend that you bring a pocket English/Italian dictionary.

Rules & Regulations

For a detailed list of rules, please see the Camper/Parent Handbook in the online forms. Remember, the form must be (digitally) agreed to by both parents and students!

By signing, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the rules set forth here. NYFA reserves the right to present additional rules/regulations at registration.

Please keep in mind that the rules exist to make sure that everyone is safe and that the programs run smoothly. Our rules have never prevented any student from having an incredible experience!


Students are required to be in their rooms by 10 pm. At curfew, counselors will check every room. From that moment, students are not allowed to leave their rooms until breakfast time the following morning.


You are not allowed to have anyone in your room who is not affiliated with NYFA or any other camper that is not assigned to sleep in that room.


Classes and weekend excursions are mandatory and attendance will be taken.


Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Students found with drugs or alcohol in their possession will be immediately expelled from the program at their and/or their parents’ expense.

This includes finding drugs or alcohol in a student’s room, even if they are not being consumed at the time of discovery. It also includes procuring drugs or alcohol for someone else, even if you personally did not partake in their consumption. There will be no exceptions.

Expelled students will not receive a refund of any kind (tuition or housing).

Filming in Florence

Florence is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the backdrops for shooting films are second to none. Students in the teens camps must shoot in Florence, and we will have specific locations designated for you to shoot in addition to other locations in Florence of your choosing. Your shoots will always be supervised by an experienced teaching assistant.


On Saturday morning students will have time to say goodbyes, go back to their favorite café, buy some gifts for people at home, and pack. Commuting students will be dismissed on Friday after class. Residential students should plan to check out and leave on the final Saturday of their program. Hotel check out is 10 am and flights should be scheduled to depart around lunch time.

Emergency Numbers

Ambulance 118
Fire 115
General SOS 113
Medical Emergencies 118
Police 112

U.S. Embassy
Lungarno Vespucci

38-50123 Florence, Italy
Tel: (+39) 055-266-951
Fax: (+39) 055-284-088
it.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/ florence/

Policlinico di Careggi

Viale Morgagni, 85
Tel: 055-427-7111
Ospedale S. Maria Nuova
Piazza S. Maria Nuova, 1
Tel: 055-275-81

Medical Service:
24 hour Medical Service

English, German and French speaking practitioners and specialists on call 24 hours a day.

Surgery Opening Times
Monday to Friday from:
11 am – 12 pm and from 5 – 6 pm
Price: Fee-paying Service
Via Lorenzo il Magnifico, 59
Tel: 055-475-411
Fax: 055-474-983
Email: [email protected]

Local Pharmacies:
Farmacia Comunale, 13

24 hours a day
Interno Statione S. M. Novella
Tel: 055-289-435-216-761

Medical Care

Visitors from outside the European Union should take out a comprehensive insurance policy which covers emergency medical treatment.

Please pay careful attention to our medical form online, follow the instructions, and submit it to us as soon as possible.

If you require any prescriptions, bring a supply of medicine with you that will last the duration of your stay. You should bring your prescription with both the generic and trade name of your medicine clearly written on it, and also an explanation of what the medicine is for. If you have any medical condition, please bring with you any past important medical records and information that may assist you during your stay.

Bring plenty of high-potency sunscreen. Do not underestimate the power of the Tuscan sun.

Important Contact Info

Florence Office Number:
+39 055 269 9556

NYFA Florence Address:
Via Torta, 9
50122 Florence, Italy

General Questions:
Email: [email protected]
NYFA Website: nyfa.edu/summer-camps

Teen Camp Director: Diana Santi
[email protected]

We will distribute our emergency contact numbers during orientation.


  • Reserve a seat on a flight to arrive on the Sunday start date of your camp.
  • Make sure your passport is valid for at least three months after the end of your stay.
  • It is necessary that you have health insurance that covers you in Florence, Italy.
  • Please note any allergies/medications or medical needs on the medical release form.
  • Tuition and housing balance are due 30 days before the start of your program.
  • Inform NYFA of any changes to your address, email or phone.
  • Be sure to bring this packet with you to camp. You may want to make a photocopy of this as well for your parents to keep at home for reference.
  • Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

We look forward to meeting you soon!




We look forward to seeing the amazing work you will produce during your camp. We have outlined information for you to best prepare for your camp.


Filmmaking students – we highly recommend bringing a 16 GB USB flash drive or portable hard drive.


On the first day, 3-week students may be asked to share a prepared monologue with the group and members of the faculty. Your monologue should be memorized and no longer than two minutes long.

For books on acting and technique, feel free to look at: “Acting for the Camera – Back to One” by Peter Allen Stone, “On Acting” by Sanford Meisner or “A Dream of Passion” by Lee Strasberg.